Alphaverse Wikia

Flare, known to the public as Roman "Nismo" Cypher, is a superhero vigilante residing in Emerald City, and founding member of the new roster of Essentials. He took up the mantle of Solar Flare after he led an expedition to find his friend in space.

Brought in by Jason Kade to aid the new Essentials, Nismo swiftly proved his worth as mechanic and engineer. Jason grew to depend upon him for his wise council and calm demeanor, and when things got bad, he was promoted to interim leader. He was close with Jason; it was a partnership built on trust despite rough patches and dark times.

Nismo still stands tall as the new Essentials' strong man in more ways than one.



Powers and Abilities[]


  • Enhanced Strength: The Fire Gauntlets give Nismo the strength of 10 men to simulate his predecessor's superhuman strength.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: The Fire Gauntlets are laced with a microthread that Tech Commander designed to accelerate Nismo's healing.
  • Flight: Nismo's boots allow him to take flight.


  • Master Martial Artist: Nismo was trained by the original Solar Flare in martial arts and quickly became a highly skilled warrior.
  • Master Engineer: Nismo is an incredible mechanic and knows a lot about motor vehicles, being able to talk shop with Tech Commander. He built his supercar from scratch and he knows how to repair the Fire Gauntlets.
  • Master Hacker: Nismo is an accomplished hacker, being able to gather intelligence and interpret data for missions with the Essentials. For one, he can hack into security cameras with the Solar System to erase the recordings and loop the feed to make it seem like nothing is occurring on camera.
  • Master Investigator: Nismo is also an exceptionally observant detective.



  • E-Comm: Nismo's variation of the E-Comm is built into the sides of his goggles.
  • Fire Gauntlets: A pair of gauntlets that shoot fire, enhance his strength, protect him from fire and heat, and accelerate his healing. The gauntlets are reinforced to nullify the impact of punches and kicks.
  • Flare Suit: Oswald Garrington built Nismo a diagnostic suit so the latter could monitor his own vitals with the Solar System. The fabrics are a polymer blend with 10 layers of treated composite material. The suit is perfect for an array of tactical missions, measures his heart rate, systolic pressures, and glucose levels all while providing state-of-the-art ballistic protection. When Nismo's vitals are dangerously low, a medical alert will appear on the Solar System.

Weaponry and Gadgets[]

  • Solar System: A holographic interface tablet for use while in civilian clothing.


  • Supercar: A turbine supercar with an engine like the one used in some helicopters, only it runs on biodiesel, as it will run off anything that burns with oxygen. The hardest part was amplifying torque without increasing drag. While a heavier engine would only slow things down, the streamlined version optimizes the torque and horsepower. Nismo also used a one-to-one transfer gearbox to drop the output shaft of the engine, as well as reversed rotation and sent more power to the torque converter.




  • Nismo received his nickname from his prize-winning racing car.